Requiem, 2020

Video 2020

We are light and we are shadow.
We are light and we are shadow.
We are light and we are shadow.

In the dark we build
everything that is enjoyed in the light.
We are light and we are shadow.
Male energy, female energy.
Female energy, male energy.
What is natural?
Female and male.

A gift taken away.
Female and male.
As a regime of oppression.
Female and male.
A form of violence.
Male, female.
The ground of a disputed territory.
Do you say “disputed”?
Or slutty neighborhood?
Slutty neighborhood, disputed territory.

The rectangle.
A parallel state.
Those who play by the rules can go on living…
Feel safe?
Safe and violent.
Safe and cheated.
Safe and killed.

Free and caged.
Loved and betrayed.
Desired and exterminated.

Hidden Desire.
Desire in the shadows.
Secret desires.
Desired in the closet.
Killing the object of desire.
If there are no bodies,
there is no desire.

Tell me a place where you are afraid….
Tell me a body that you are afraid of
And that you desire.
An emotion that leads to fear.
An experience that smells of fear.
Because what is natural is transformation.

The body – territory.
The body as a state.
Disintegrating body.
Reborn bodies.
Bodies that are reconfigured.
Inhabited and uninhabited bodies.
Bodies for rent.
Bodies as exclaves.
Bodies for a memory.
Memory to change.

Remembering in order not to die.
To Remember,
to resist.
Memory to remember.
To report.
Remember to repair,
to heal, even to dance,
To laugh and sing.
Remember to survive.
Memory, to be born free.
And also to die.
Memory to transcend.
Remember to transform.
Trans march,
create memory!

Hit the streets to wake up.
To awake in order to transform.
To the streets to demand.
To redefine the neighborhood.
To the street to tell our sisters,
That we haven’t forgotten them.
That they can cut all the flowers,
But won’t stop the spring.
To understand why we are bad
And can be worse.
Annoying the Christian neighbors.
We know how much it makes them uncomfortable.
It’s a touch of justice.
It is the party of the freak, the few, the drug addict,
the whore, the slut, the faggot, the crazy,
the HIV +.

It’s a transvestite tribute.
To the only area where we feel “safe”.
Safe in quotes….
The only thing I’m sure of is,
is that I love you.
But I love me more!
If you don’t love me like that,
I don’t care in the end.
This is about me.